살아있다-3D해양생물 app for iPhone and iPad
Developer: CG WAVE inc.
First release : 20 Dec 2013
App size: 709.91 Mb
Alive Series No.3 – Alive-Marine3D
"Alive-Marine 3D" have launched as the third series of the Alive Series after the “Dinos 3D-Alive” have launched. It was constructed as to provide effective smart learning with the virtual experience on your phone.
- “Alive-Marine 3D” is an application for toddlers (6mths+) to students in any grades. This application is designed to educate and teach students about marine life. It is made to let parents, kindergarten/elementary school teachers to help students to experience, and observe imaginary marine life through this application.
Using 3D, “Alive-Marine 3D” allows student to view marine life from different position (perspective).This gives sense of reality, and provides the environment where students can experience and learn more about marine life.
Users can freely, and actively flip through each marine animal to study. Using the "Study" mode, it increases learning effect. Furthermore, users can solve OX quiz to test their knowledge.
The Main Function of “Alive-Marine3D”
1. Users can easily study marine life by viewing realistic 3D virtual marine life, and by learning their name, habit, and other related important informations of each marin life.
2. Users can interactively view each marine life at the "Experience" mode. Users can zoom in and out to view marine life carefully.
3. Study : A "Study" mode, is a e-book type of 3D encyclopedia which was never tried through out all other series. Unlike the usual encylopedia, "Alive-Marine3D" provide users to view in 3D to learn, and study each marine life. Users are welcomed by the beautiful 3D ocean, and 3D marine life with a short description which users could easily study from.
4. OX Speed Quiz : Unconsciously, users are learning just by viewing, and reading through the descriptions. Guess how many questions you could correctly answer in 60 seconds!
Paint Color : "Paint Color" is a program which users can colorfully color, and paint each marin life. Additionally, users can snapshot each colored picture to share with other friends through social media.
6. Argument Reality : Users can reflect a marine life card to experience argument reality.
Lets meet 60 different marine life which all have different characteristics!